Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with curricular areas such as Political Science, English, Sociology, Humanities, Business, International Studies and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources.
Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Includes some peer-reviewed material. Best for academic research.
Discover what material is available on your topic in our campus library, including physical books, ebooks, DVDs, music scores, children's books, periodicals, and more. Note: the AMC library catalog is freely accessible and does not require a login to see available materials. Logging in with your library credentials (library# and password) is required for placing holds, checking out e-content, and managing your library account.
Comprehensive encyclopedia to meet any reference needs -- from students to business professionals and lifelong learners. Includes access to a variety of dictionaries, thesauri, videos, images, primary sources, e-books, atlases, and much more.
Find information on companies, industries and more in the context of timely news, statistical data, and in-depth reports. Includes some peer-reviewed material. Best for market research.
Nursing and allied health research database providing access to hundreds of journals indexed in the CINAHL database. Additional material includes Evidence-Based Care Sheets and Quick Lessons which provide concise overviews of diseases and conditions and outline the most effective treatment options. Includes some peer-reviewed material.
Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 200,000+ image, audio, and video files. Includes research supports such as Mind Map tool, Research Quick Tips, and Topic Browse.
Educational Resource Information Center contains access to journals in the field of education. More than half of the articles are full text. Includes some peer-reviewed material.
Quickly access material from all Gale databases available through the Mondor-Eagen Library. Includes access to academic journals, magazines, news articles, reference materials, and more. Use Gale Powersearch for general and specialized research, includes the ability to search for full text and peer-reviewed material. Does not include access to Gale’s Literature Resource Center, must be accessed separately.
JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization that also includes Artstor, Ithaka S+R, and Portico. JSTOR provides access to 5,000+ journals in 50+ disciplines. Secondary content is peer-reviewed. See "Search Help" for more info.
Combined search for all available Proquest databases, including Boston Globe (1980-present), Ebook Central, Publicly Available Content database, and Science database. Use Proquest Combination Search to access scholarly articles, ebooks, audiovisual materials, dissertations and theses, and much more. Includes ability to search for full text and peer-reviewed material.
Full-text research database covering sociology and related disciplines. It features hundreds of full-text journals and millions of records with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus. Includes some peer-reviewed material.