This guide is designed to focus on the resources the library has to offer for theology. Use the tabs above to navigate through this guide.
Please talk to a librarian if you have any questions or suggestions!
To access our catalog and databases remotely, you'll need to log in with your library credentials. Enter your library account number, which should be on the back of your student ID, if you were issued one (look for a barcode labeled Mondor-Eagen Library and a 14-digit number beginning with "204640..."). Your library number may also be in your WebAMC account.
Your password will likely be your last name in all capital letters. If your last name is fewer than four letters, add letters from your first name.
For example:
Taylor Smith = SMITH
Justin Ore = JORE
Sarah Ng = SANG
If you have a hyphenated name, or have multiple names, use whichever comes last.
For example:
Colin Harris-Murray = MURRAY
Caroline Rivera Gomez = GOMEZ
If you have any difficulty logging in or using our online resources, email