The library catalog is where you can search the library's collection of resources and request what you need. To start using the catalog, enter a keyword or title in the main search box in the library catalog.
To request items, just log in to the catalog with your library account number (the 14-digit number on the back of your ID beginning with "204640...") and your password (your last name in all capital letters). If you have any difficulty accessing these resources, please contact the library.
AMC is a member of CW MARS, a consortium of 100+ libraries in Central and Western Massachusetts. Searches will default to searching this consortium first, but you can limit your search to books available at AMC in a variety of formats using the filters at the top of your search.
Our library is part of the Worcester Academic & Research Collaborative (ARC), which allows Anna Maria students and faculty to visit participating libraries in the area to use their resources. Some ARC libraries allow for on-site use of materials, while others allow ARC members to check out materials. (Please note: ARC membership does not include access to electronic resources. To borrow e-resources, submit an inter-library loan request.)
If you're interested in visiting participating ARC libraries, visit the Mondor-Eagen Library and sign up for an ARC card. When visiting a participating ARC library, you must have your ARC card and your Anna Maria College ID with you. Members who do not bring the appropriate credentials may be denied access to participating libraries and their collection materials. Members are responsible for adhering to rules and policies of the lending libraries, including late fees.
For more information, including a list of participating libraries and their borrowing privileges, please visit the Worcester ARC website.