To find a specific book or to find a book on a specific topic, your best bet is to start first with our library resources. Then work your way out, electronically and geographically. Here are the steps and links to follow. At each level, you can log in with your library card and make an electronic request.
If you still cannot find the material, try searching for it on WorldCat Discovery OR submit an interlibrary loan request to us.
Make sure to check out the New Books section (located to the right of the printer) for books recently purchased by the library.
Use WorldCat Discovery to find books and other items in libraries near you and around the world.
Browsing the library stacks for resources is helpful for doing research as it provides exposure to a wide perspective on any given subject. Additionally it incorporates an element of serendipity, finding things you wouldn't have otherwise, that can progress research organically, making your projects more meaningful.
The AMC library uses the Library of Congress classification system of organizing books. Most books related to business topics will be within the range HB-HJ.
Here are some examples of common LOC call numbers related to Business:
HB75-130 History of economics
HB135-147 Quantitative methods
HB501 Capitalism
HB615-715 Entrepreneurship
HB3711-3840 Business cycles/Economic fluctuations
HC10-1085 Economic history and conditions
HD60-60.5 Social responsibility of business
HD5306-5474 Labor disputes/Strikes and lockouts
HF5381-5386 Vocational guidance/Career development
HF5387-5387.5 Business ethics
HG1501-3550 Banking
HJ9-9940 Public finance