Photograph of the Sisters of St. Anne creatively moving library books from the Science Building to Foundress during the construction of Cushing Hall in 1963. Credit: AMC Archives
"Here is the warm and inspiring story of Anna Maria College chronicling the courage of a group of Sisters of St. Anne who were inspired by a remarkable vision and endowed with the wisdom to adapt that vision to changing times. It is also the story of many other people who, over the years, supported the initial vision. It was their commitment, determination, spirit, and energy which has made Anna Maria College what it is today."
"This volume, produced by Anna Maria College, covers the first twenty-five years of the college, and includes insights into academics, student life, campus events, and more during this period."
"Religious women who, from 1846, taught in bilingual French -Canadian parish schools and in the late 1900's are serving the people in the U.S. in additional professions."